Friday August 16th



We are now embarking on a new 3 month cycle. We will start with a Hi Rep- Low Weight Strength Endurance protocol , utilising the 5 x 20 Method on Squat and Bench Day and the 6/12 /24 Method on Deadlift and Shoulder Day. Once complete we will move on to a cycle of Tempo Training for Functional Hypertrophy and Finish with A Strength Cycle in the third month. Once the third month is completed we will retest our One Rep Maxes and see just how far we have come having completed all three cycles. The overall curve is volume to strength but you will experience a good deal of both throughout resulting in strong, athletic, functional physiques.


Upper Body Mobility

10 x Kneeling DB Strict Press + 10+10 One Arm DB Row + 8/8 Single Arm arm Upright Row


6 x S2O (Jerk/ Split Jerk or Push Press + 12 x Arnold Press or HSPU + 24 x Ball Slam . 2 MinRest 5 RDS


Air Punch

20 x DB Snatch @50/35bs + 20 Burpees

16 x DB Snatch @55/40lbs + 16 Burpees

12 x DB Snatch @ 60/45lbs +12 Burpees

Weights can be scaled down, simply increase poundage by 5 lbs every round



TRAIN will start to focus on transitioning to slightly heavier weights. The focus with your movement should still be quality even though you are moving faster in a conditioning biased class. Each week keep note of weight you used and try to slightly increase or match that weight each week following.


4 Way Movement mobility

Then 2 Rounds…

  • 10 DB Curl to press

  • 5 Batwing holds

  • 10 DB Reverse Lunges

  • 5 DB Front Squats


Teams of 3-4 - 2000M Row - Switch every 150 Meters - After each row perform 10 DB Hammer curls


3 x 7 Min AMRAPS - 3 Min Rest Between Stations - Partner workout

  1. Partner 1 - 5 Man Makers, Partner 2 - SA Overhead hold with KB (Alternate arms each round)

  2. Partner 1 - 20 SA DB Clean and Press , Partner 2 - AMRAP Box Jumps

  3. Partner 1 - 10 DB Step Overs, Partner 2 - AMRAP Burpees

    ***Switch once partner in station 1 has completed their movement each round***


Heavy deadlifts are on the menu for Friday, with the single dumbbell making a second appearance this week.

30 Seconds per Movement with10 sec to transition:
Easy Bike
Active Samson
Banded Good Morning

Moderate Bike
Down Dog
Banded Good Morning

Faster Bike
Active Spidermans
Banded Good Mornings

3 Reps @ 70%
1 Rep @ 75%
3 Reps @ 70%
1 Rep @ 80%
3 Reps @ 70%
1 Rep @ 85%

30 Dumbbell Hand Clean and Jerks (50/35)
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike [if using Schwinn Bike, double calorie count]
20 Barbell Facing Burpees
15 Deadlift (245/165)


For the next 3 Weeks we are going to switch gears from our normal "Full Body" Launch strength program to a format similar to the rest of the programming at Pharos focusing on a single movement patterned emphasis in each session.

Friday - Upper Body Push/Pull

Banded Chest, Lat + Tripep Stretch

2 rounds
50ft Waiter Walk (R/L)
10 Banded Face Pulls
15 Single Straight Arm Banded Pull Downs

3 Rounds - rest 90s-2min
6 Strict Press
12cal Ski
24 Front + Side Raise (12/12)

3 Rounds - rest 90s-2min
6 Renegade Rows (with Push Up)
12 Horizontal Rows
24 Bent Over Fly

Emylee Covell